Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever is a viral disease which is caused by the Dengue Fever virus and it is
transmitted through mosquito bites. Mainly, Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for
the transmission of this virus which can easily spread from people to mosquitos and
from mosquitos to people. Once a person is affected by this virus, uninfected
mosquitos can be infected while feeding on the blood of an infected person. After
that, the mosquitos will transmit this virus to a different person and they will also
get infected by the virus. After getting infected by the virus, it takes some time to
show the symptoms. These symptoms can take 4-12 days to appear. In the
meanwhile, the infected person will have high fever along with some other
symptoms. These symptoms include severe headache, pain behind the eyes,
Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle and joint pains, rash, etc. Once someone is infected by
the Dengue virus and starts to show symptoms of Dengue Fever, immediate actions
should be taken otherwise it can cause severe fever which is known as severe
Dengue Fever and it can even cause death. To prevent being infected by the
Dengue Fever virus, we all should take precautions beforehand. First of all, our
environment should be kept clean so that it doesn’t become the habitat of
mosquitos. Aedes mosquitos generally reproduce in clean water so we have to be
careful about water storage places. In order to eradicate the reproduction of Aedes
mosquitos, there should be no such place containing clean water for more than
three days. Other than that, a regular street cleaning including removing the
discarded water-bearing container and cleaning drainage on is very significant. City
Corporation should play a vital role in cleaning the city areas to keep its inhabitants
safe from the infection of the Dengue virus. If someone gets infected by the
Dengue Fever virus, they should immediately consult with the doctor and take
proper treatment otherwise it can cause death. It is also good practice to use
mosquito net all the time to prevent the Dengue Fever virus. As Dengue Fever can
be a severe problem especially in this season, the government should take
necessary steps beforehand to fight Dengue Fever infection from spreading.
Otherwise, the death toll can rise high which will be troublesome for our country.
With proper steps, we can save people from being infected by Dengue Fever and
decrease the death rate. It should never be taken lightly.

Md. Aktar Uzzaman
B.sc, M.sc in Mathematics
Paragraph Writing :Dengue Fever
Paragraph Writing :Vision 2041
Paragraph Writing :Dhaka Elevated Expressway
Paragraph Writing :Green Economy And Bangladesh
Paragraph Writing :Digital Bangladesh
Paragraph Writing :Israel palestine conflict
Paragraph Writing :Karnaphuli Tunnel
Paragraph Writing :Metro Rail
Paragraph Writing :Importance of Quality Education
Paragraph Writing :Patriotism
Paragraph Writing :Role of Female Education
Paragraph Writing :The Padma Bridge
Paragraph Writing :Smart Bangladesh
Paragraph Writing :More 10+
Paragraph Writing :More 36+
Paragraph Writing :More 27+
Paragraph Writing Format_1.1
1. Early-rising
2. Repentance
3. Amusement
4. Contentment
5. Moral courage
6. Punctuality
7. Unity
8. Knowledge
9. Integrity
Paragraph Writing Format_1.1
18.Value of time
21.Good manners
Paragraph Writing Format_1.1
27.Honest intention
35.Good behavior
Dengue Fever
Dengue Fever is a viral disease which is caused by the Dengue Fever virus and it is
transmitted through mosquito bites. Mainly, Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for
the transmission of this virus which can easily spread from people to mosquitos and
from mosquitos to people. Once a person is affected by this virus, uninfected
mosquitos can be infected while feeding on the blood of an infected person. After
that, the mosquitos will transmit this virus to a different person and they will also
get infected by the virus. After getting infected by the virus, it takes some time to
show the symptoms. These symptoms can take 4-12 days to appear. In the
meanwhile, the infected person will have high fever along with some other
symptoms. These symptoms include severe headache, pain behind the eyes,
Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle and joint pains, rash, etc. Once someone is infected by
the Dengue virus and starts to show symptoms of Dengue Fever, immediate actions
should be taken otherwise it can cause severe fever which is known as severe
Dengue Fever and it can even cause death. To prevent being infected by the
Dengue Fever virus, we all should take precautions beforehand. First of all, our
environment should be kept clean so that it doesn’t become the habitat of
mosquitos. Aedes mosquitos generally reproduce in clean water so we have to be
careful about water storage places. In order to eradicate the reproduction of Aedes
mosquitos, there should be no such place containing clean water for more than
three days. Other than that, a regular street cleaning including removing the
discarded water-bearing container and cleaning drainage on is very significant. City
Corporation should play a vital role in cleaning the city areas to keep its inhabitants
safe from the infection of the Dengue virus. If someone gets infected by the
Dengue Fever virus, they should immediately consult with the doctor and take
proper treatment otherwise it can cause death. It is also good practice to use
mosquito net all the time to prevent the Dengue Fever virus. As Dengue Fever can
be a severe problem especially in this season, the government should take
necessary steps beforehand to fight Dengue Fever infection from spreading.
Otherwise, the death toll can rise high which will be troublesome for our country.
With proper steps, we can save people from being infected by Dengue Fever and
decrease the death rate. It should never be taken lightly.
More paragraph writing format needed click here.
Paragraph Writing Format_0.1
1. Traffic Jam
2. Road Accident
3. Load Shedding
4. Climate Change
5. Cancer
6. Illiteracy
7. Anarchy
8. AIDS: A fatal disease
9. Child Labour in Bangladesh
Paragraph Writing Format_0.1
10.Street Beggar
11.Street Children
13.Drug Addiction
14.Copying in examination
15.Violence in Campus
18.Environment Pollution
Paragraph Writing Format_0.1
19.Greenhouse effects
20.Dangers of smoking
21.Air Pollution
22.Sound Pollution
23.Water Pollution
24.Arsenic Pollution
25.Political Instability
27.Dowry System
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