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Smart Bangladesh’’ is a term that refers to the use of technology and innovative approaches to improve the lives of people and the overall development of the Country. In this context “Smart’’ refers to the use of advanced technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial intelligence (AI), and data analytics, to improve various aspects of society, such as healthcare, education, transportation, and governance. Smart Bangladesh -2041 is a vision and policy of the government of Bangladesh to build a digitally enabled, smarter, and more sustainable country. It aims to leverage the power of technology to improve the quality of life for all citizens, create new economic opportunities, and drive sustainable development. The 4 pillars of smart Bangladesh are critical components of the country’s vision to become a digitally advanced and technologically – savvy nation. The pillars include: 1- smart citizens, 2- smart Government. 3- Smart economy,4- Smart society. This vision is about bridging the digital divide by creating sustainable and innovative digital solutions that can benefit all citizens, regardless of their socioeconomic background and businesses of all sizes. The first pillar of smart citizens is about empowering individuals with digital literacy skills and ac
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cess to digital services, enabling them to participate fully in the digital transformation of the country. Smart government, the second pillar uses technology to provide efficient and transparent public services, while ensuring citizens’ data privacy. Smart Economy, the third pillar, creates a thriving economy powered by digital technologies, where businesses of all sizes can participate and compete on a level playing field. Everyone understanding the concept of Smart Banglades
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h is important for the future of the country. It is not just about technology, but about creating a society that is inclusive, innovative, and sustainable by embracing the four pillars of smart citizens, smart government, smart economy, and smart society, the new generations can contribute to building a better and brighter future for Bangladesh. Policymakers of Bangladesh have already Identified and created a 14-point action plan to materialize the vision of building a smart Bangladesh. By implementing these initiatives and programs, we would be able to build an advanced and knowledge-based “ Smart Bangladesh”
Vision 2041 is a dream plan of the Bangladesh government which is a continuation of vision 2021, has been embraced by the government of Bangladesh, and aims to carry the country to the path of development Bangabandhu dreamed of. The government of Bangladesh has already introduced the 2021-2041 Perspective Plan(PP2041). The key aim of Vision 2041 is to eradicate extreme poverty, achieve the Upper Middle Class by 2031, and the status of a high economic nation
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by 2041. The plan covers economic development, infrastructure, social welfare, good governance, and environmental sustainability. The present government will achieve high and sustainable economic growth in Bangladesh by developing agriculture, manufacturing, and services by 2041. In addition, the government will invest in infrastructure development, including energy, transport, and communication, to achieve economic growth and improve living standards. Apart from this, the government will reduce poverty, improve healthcare and ensure quality education and social welfare f
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or all citizens by 2041. For the successful implementation of this Vision 2041, increased transparency, accountability, and good governance are essential. The implementation of the plan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve natural resources and promote sustainable development by promoting renewable energy. Finally, Vision 2041 is an ambitious plan that has the potential to bring about significant positive change in Bangladesh by 2041.
Patriotism refers to the love one has for one’s country. It is a noble virtue. The person who has lived for his country is a patriot. A patriot’s patriotism leads him to save his country from any foreign invasion at any cost and he is always ready to dedicate his life to the prosperity of his country. To a patriot, his country is like his mother and he never hesitates to sacrifice his life to save the honor of his country. The patriotism of a patriot is his good sentiment, love, feeling, and wishes of goodness for his country. Only patriotism can lead a man toward supreme sacrifice for the nation. The people of our country showed a high example of patriotism during the Liberation War of 1971. About three million people irrespective of race, religion, age, or gender sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country’s freedom. It would not be possible without strong patriotism. Bigot patriotism or blind patriotism is no good. It leads to malice and jealousy among the nations. It creates quarrels, conflict, and clashes among the countries. For this freedom of his own country becomes at stake. When bigot patriotism goes beyond control, it brings destructive consequences. On the other hand, true patriotism leads to philanthropic love. it leads the nations of the world to prosperity and creates mutual respect. A true patriot respects others’ sovereignty and never hates other cultures and independence. Thus his at
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titude is for universal welfare and peace. He becomes the glory of the world. Every religion tells us to be patriotic. We all should exercise this virtue in our lives. Knowledge, skills, and character traits is called education. Education is a powerful weapon for changing lives and shaping the future. Quality education is an essential tool for gaining the best knowledge and development of our society. The main features of quality education are – Education expands the creativity of people on a massive scale and benefits them to overcome all the diversity in the nation. It allows us to study properly and know every phase of life. Education gives the sense to know all human liberties, social freedoms, responsibilities, and obligations toward the nation. It lays the foundation for equity in civilization. This is possible by breaking the poverty cycle, reducing inequalities, and achieving gender equality. It is the key to meeting the goals of standard global development. It makes the students capable of contributing their best in both individual and community development. It focuses on the social, mental, physical, emotional, cognitive, and economic development of every learner. Through quality education, an individual can seek job opportunities, progress with sustainable livelihoods, and have a healthy lifestyle. In short, education has the power to reform a nation in the best way.
Patriotism refers to the love one has for one’s country. It is a noble virtue. The person who has lived for his country is a patriot. A patriot’s patriotism leads him to save his country from any forei
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gn invasion at any cost and he is always ready to dedicate his life to the prosperity of his country. To a patriot, his country is like his mother and he never hesitates to sacrifice his life to save the honor of his country. The patriotism of a patriot is his good sentiment, love, feeling, and wishes of goodness for his country. Only patriotism can lead a man toward supreme sacrifice for the nation. The people of our country showed a high example of patriotism during the Liberation War of 1971. About three million people irrespective of race, religion, age, or gender sacrificed their lives for the sake of the country’s freedom. It would not be possible without strong patriotism. Bigot patriotism or blind patriotism is no good. It leads to malice and jealousy among the nations. It creates quarrels, conflict, and clashes among the countries. For this freedom of his own country becomes at stake. When bigot patriotism goes beyond control, it brings destructive consequences. On the other hand, true patriotism leads to philanthropic love. it leads the nations of the world to prosperity and creates mutual respect. A true patriot respects others’ sovereignty and never hates other cultures and independence. Thus his attitude is for universal welfare and peace. He becomes the glory of the world. Every religion tells us to be patriotic. We all should exercise this virtue in our lives. Knowledge, skills, and character traits is called education. Education is a powerful weapon for changing lives and shaping the future. Quality education is an essential tool for gaining the best knowledge and development of our society. The main features of quality education are – Education expands the
Privacy policy -Job Edu BDবলিলেন, হে ইবনে খাত্তাব! তোমার মা তোমাকে হারাক, (অর্থাৎ, তুমি মরিয়া যাও) রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম তাহাকে আমীর বানাইয়াছেন, আর তুমি আমাকে বলিতেছ যে, আমি তাহাকে আমীরের পদ হইতে সরাইয়া দেই। হযরত ওমর (রাঃ) সেখান হইতে বাহির হইয়া লোকদের নিকট আসিলেন। লোকেরা তাহাকে জিজ্ঞাসা করিল, কি করিয়া আসিলেন? হযরত ওমর (রাঃ) বলিলেন, তোমরা সফর আরম্ভ কর। তোমাদের মাতাগণ তোমাদেরকে হারাক! আজ তোমাদের কারণে আমাকে আল্লাহর রাসূলের খলীফার পক্ষ হইতে অনেক কিছু সহ্য করিতে হইয়াছে। অতঃপর স্বয়ং হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) তাহাদের নিকট আসিলেন এবং তাহাদেরকে খুব উৎসাহ দিলেন। তিনি তাহাদিগকে এইভাবে বিদায় দিলেন যে, স্বয়ং তাহাদের সহিত পায়দল চলিতেছিলেন এবং হযরত উসামা (রাঃ) সওয়ারীতে আরোহী ছিলেন। হযরত আবদুর রহমান ইবনে আওফ (রাঃ) হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ)এর সওয়ারীর লাগাম টানিয়া চলিতেছিলেন। হযরত উসামা (রাঃ) বলিলেন, হে আল্লাহর রাসূলের খলীফা! হয় আপনি সওয়ার হইয়া যান, আর না হয় আমি নিচে নামিয়া পায়দল চলি। হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) বলিলেন, আল্লাহর কসম, না তুমি নামিবে, আর আল্লাহর কসম, না আমি চড়িব। ইহাতে কি ক্ষতি যে, আমি কিছুক্ষণ আল্লাহর রাস্তায় আমার পা দ্বয়কে ধুলিযুক্ত করি। কারণ গাজী যে কোন কদম উঠায়, তাহার প্রতি কদমে সাতশত নেকী লেখা হয়, তাহার সাতশত মর্তবা উন্নত করা হয় এবং তাহার সাতশত গুনাহ মিটাইয়া দেওয়া হয়।
হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) যখন বিদায় দিয়া ফিরিতে লাগিলেন তখন তিনি হযরত উসামা (রাঃ)কে বলিলেন, যদি তুমি ভাল মনে কর তবে ওমরকে আমার সাহায্যের জন্য এখানে রাখিয়া যাও। সুতরাং হযরত উসামা (রাঃ) হযরত ওমর (রাঃ)কে মদীনায় হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) এর নিকট থাকিয়া যাওয়ার অনুমতি দিলেন। (মুখতাসার ইবনে আসাকির)
হযরত ওরওয়া (রাঃ) বলেন, সাহাবা (রাঃ) যখন (হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ)এর) বাইয়াত হইতে অবসর হইলেন এবং লোকেরা সকলে শান্ত হইল তখন হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) হযরত উসামা (রাঃ)কে বলিলেন, রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম তোমাকে যেখানে যাইতে হুকুম করিয়াছিলেন তুমি সেখানকার উদ্দেশ্যে রওয়ানা হইয়া যাও । মুহাজিরীন ও আনসারদের মধ্য হইতে কিছু লোক হযরত হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ)এর সহিত কথা বলিলেন। তাহারা বলিলেন, আপনি হযরত উসামা (রাঃ) ও তাহার বাহিনীকে (না পাঠাইয়া) রুখিয়া দিন। কেননা আমাদের আশংকা হইতেছে যে, রাসূলুল্লাহ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লামের ওফাতের খবর শুনিয়া সমস্ত আরব আমাদের উপর আক্রমণ করিয়া বসিবে।
হযরত আবু বকর (রাঃ) যিনি সর্বাপেক্ষা বিচক্ষণ ও মজবুত ছিলেন— তিনি বলিলেন, আমি সেই বাহিনীকে রু
creativity of people on a massive scale and benefits them to overcome all the diversity in the nation. It allows us to study properly and know every phase of life. Education gives the sense to know all human liberties, social freedoms, responsibilities, and obligations toward the nation. It lays the foundation for equity in civilization. This is possible by breaking the poverty cycle, reducing inequalities, and achieving gender equality. It is the key to meeting the goals of standard global development. It makes the students capable of contributing their best in both individual and community development. It focuses on the social, mental, physical, emotional, cognitive, and economic development of every learner. Through quality education, an individual can seek job opportunities, progress with sustainable livelihoods, and have a healthy lifestyle. In short, education has the power to reform a nation in the best way.