Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1

Written Test Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1 by Job Edu BD

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Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1

10 votes, 4.7 avg
Created by Job Edu BD

Computer Operation Level-3, Vol-1

এই পরীক্ষাটি শুধুমাত্র Level পরীক্ষায় নিজেকে ভালো নম্বরে উর্ত্তীন করার চেষ্টা মাত্র। এখানে ভালো নম্বর পাওয়ার দ্বারা আপনার আত্নবিশ্বাস উন্নয়নে কাজ করবে। পরীক্ষা খারাপ হলে প্রশ্নোত্তর গুলো পূনরায় পড়ে আবার চেষ্টা করার অনুরোধ রইল।

1 / 30

1. To select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation, what do you press?

2 / 30

2. Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?

3 / 30

3. Which of the following function key activates the speller?

4 / 30

4. MS OFFICE Is Application Software

5 / 30

5. What happens when you click on Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art?

6 / 30

6. You can auto fit the width of column by-

7 / 30

7. How can you update the values of formula cells if Auto Calculate mode of Excel is disabled?

8 / 30

8. What is place to the left of horizontal scroll bar?

9 / 30

9. By default Excel provides 3 worksheets. You need only two of them, how will you delete the third one?

10 / 30

10. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap?

11 / 30

11. On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool?

12 / 30

12. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called

13 / 30

13. Which file starts MS Word?

14 / 30

14. How should you print a selected area of a worksheet, if you’ll want to print a different area next time?

15 / 30

15. You can merge the main document with data source in Excel. In mail merge operation, Word is usually

16 / 30

16. Which of the following action removes a sheet from workbook?

17 / 30

17. What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms Word

18 / 30

18. You are German supplier still invoices for parts in deutsche marks. How can you have Excel convert those sums to Euros?

19 / 30

19. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for...

20 / 30

20. Which option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?

21 / 30

21. In Word, the mailing list is known as the ____________.

22 / 30

22. If you will be displaying or printing your document on another computer, you'll want to make sure and
select the _____________ option under the 'Save' tab.

23 / 30

23. Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior?

24 / 30

24. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as

25 / 30

25. What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet?

26 / 30

26. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?

27 / 30

27. Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line?

28 / 30

28. Why are headers and footers used in document?

29 / 30

29. Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show?

30 / 30

30. Which of the cell pointer indicate that you can move the content to other cell?


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"You will pass just by asking the mentioned questions, it's not like that at all, but chances are upto 80% to get common. This is just a suggestion. This question is not copied from any board question"
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NSQF / NTVQF Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, NSQF NTVQF, Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1

NSQF / NTVQF Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, NSQF NTVQF, Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1

NSQF / NTVQF Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, NSQF NTVQF, Computer Operation Level-3 Suggestion V-1, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1

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