Desh-Bedesh Driving Course January-March 2025, BGTTC -জনশক্তি কর্মসংস্থান ও প্রশিক্ষণ ব্যুরো কর্তক বাস্তবায়নাধীন “দেশ-বিদেশে কর্মসংস্থানের জন্য ড্রাইভিং প্রশিক্ষণ প্রদান” শীর্ষক প্রকল্পের আওতায় ০৩ মাস (জানুয়ারী হতে মার্চ- ২০২৫) মেয়াদী “ড্রাইভিং উইথ অটোমেকানিক্স” কোর্সে ভতির্র নিমিত্তে ০১/১২/২০২৪ হতে ২২/২২/২০২৪ খ্রি: পর্যন্ত অফিস চলাকালীন সময়ে তথ্য কেন্দ্র হতে বাংলাদেশের প্রকৃত নাগরিকদের সরাসরি ফরম গ্রহণের জন্য আহবান করা যাচ্ছে। কোর্স ফী সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রী। বেকার, এতিম, দরিদ্র,মহিলা এবং ক্ষুদ্র নৃ-গোষ্ঠিদেরকে অগ্রাধীকার দেয়া হবে। আসন সংখ্যা সকাল শিফট = ৪০ জন, সকাল ৮:০০ ঘটিকা হতে দুপুর ১:০০ ঘটিকা পর্যন্ত, বিকাল শিফট = ৪০ জন, দুপুর ১:০০ ঘটিকা হতে বিকাল ৬:০০ ঘটিকা পর্যন্ত। কোর্স ফী সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রী। Desh-Bedesh Driving Course January-March 2025, BGTTC
Desh-Bedesh Driving Course January-March 2025, BGTTC – Manpower Employment and Training Bureau is implementing a project titled “Providing Driving Training for Employment in the Country and Abroad” under which genuine citizens of Bangladesh are invited to apply for the 3-month (January to March-2025) “Driving with Automechanics” course from 01/12/2024 to 22/22/2024 during office hours. The course fee is completely free. Priority will be given to the unemployed, orphans, poor, women and small ethnic groups. Number of seats Morning shift = 40 people, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Evening shift = 40 people, from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The course fee is completely free. Desh-Bedesh Driving Course January-March 2025, BGTTC
ফরম বিতরণ ও জমা দেওয়ার শেষ তারিখ :
০১/১২/২০২৪ হতে ২২/১২/২০২৪ পর্যন্ত।
সকাল শিফট: ৪০ জন
বিকাল শিফট: ৪০ জন
ফরম পূরণের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজ পত্র :
ভর্তি পরীক্ষা/ফলাফল এবং ক্লাশ শুরু :
ভর্তি পরীক্ষা ও সময়
সকাল: ৯:০০ ঘটিকায়
ফলাফল প্রকাশ:
বিকাল: ৪:০০ ঘটিকায়
ক্লাশ শুরু:
এই কোর্সে যাদের আবেদন করার প্রয়োজন নেই :
১। যাদের একাধিক জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র আছে।
২। যাদের পূর্বের ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স আছে।
৩। ছাত্র/ছাত্রী, চাকুরীজীবি আবেদন করতে পারবেন না।
৪। ছাত্র/ছাত্রী, চাকুরীজীবি আবেদন করতে পারবেন না।
৫। দৃষ্টি প্রতিবন্ধী ও শারীরিকভাবে অক্ষম তাদের আবেদন করার প্রয়োজন নেই।
ভর্তির ফরম সংগ্রহ :
ফরম পাওয়া যাবে কেন্দ্রের তথ্য শাখা হতে, অফিস চলাকালীন সময়ে।
যোগাযোগ :
০১৭৯৬৫৯৭৬১৫, ০১৭৩৫৩২৬৩২৯, ০১৫৭২৫৪২০৭১, ০১৮১১৫০১৮৮৪
BGTTC Desh-Bedesh Driving July-September 2024
আবেদন পত্রের সাথে যে সকল কাগজপত্র দিতে হবে-
প্রার্থীর ২ কপি পাসপোর্ট সাইজের ছবি।
জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র/জম্ননিবন্ধন এর ফটোকপি।
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার প্রমানপত্র এর ফটোকপি।
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established in 1965 on 6.48 acres of land in collaboration with the Government of Germany. So it is named as Bangladesh-German Technical Training Centre. Our social and economic fabric is becoming more and more complex and technology-dependent. A worker’s skill must be perfected to a high level of proficiency. In the world of work today, a worker’s Productivity derives as much as from teamwork, punctuality, discipline, safety consciousness as well as from his high standard of skill. Thus qualitative changes in the character of the work-force mainly depend on the nature and quality of the training.
Bureau of manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) under the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment are playing a very important role in the development of human resources by providing training to untrained persons for improvement of their skills.
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established for the training of craftsman, unskilled and skilled workers in a planned and scientific manner to the requirement of the country and aboard. This training Centre has adequate workshops, big floor space, equipped with modern machines and equipment (that time), science lab and computer lab. The instructional staff is highly experienced in their field of expertise and more than 80% of them are trained at home & abroad.
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established in 1965 on 6.48 acres of land in collaboration with the Government of Germany. So it is named as Bangladesh-German Technical Training Centre. Our social and economic fabric is becoming more and more complex and technology-dependent. A worker’s skill must be perfected to a high level of proficiency. In the world of work today, a worker’s Productivity derives as much as from teamwork, punctuality, discipline, safety consciousness as well as from his high standard of skill. Thus qualitative changes in the character of the work-force mainly depend on the nature and quality of the training.
Bureau of manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) under the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment are playing a very important role in the development of human resources by providing training to untrained persons for improvement of their skills.
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established for the training of craftsman, unskilled and skilled workers in a planned and scientific manner to the requirement of the country and aboard. This training Centre has adequate workshops, big floor space, equipped with modern machines and equipment (that time), science lab and computer lab. The instructional staff is highly experienced in their field of expertise and more than 80% of them are trained at home & abroad.
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established in 1965 on 6.48 acres of land in collaboration with the Government of Germany. So it is named as Bangladesh-German Technical Training Centre. Our social and economic fabric is becoming more and more complex and technology-dependent. A worker’s skill must be perfected to a high level of proficiency. In the world of work today, a worker’s Productivity derives as much as from teamwork, punctuality, discipline, safety consciousness as well as from his high standard of skill. Thus qualitative changes in the character of the work-force mainly depend on the nature and quality of the training.
Bureau of manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) under the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment are playing a very important role in the development of human resources by providing training to untrained persons for improvement of their skills.
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center has been established for the training of craftsman, unskilled and skilled workers in a planned and scientific manner to the requirement of the country and aboard. This training Centre has adequate workshops, big floor space, equipped with modern machines and equipment (that time), science lab and computer lab. The instructional staff is highly experienced in their field of expertise and more than 80% of them are trained at home & abroad.
Administrative Ministry
Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment.
Administrative authority
Bureau of Manpower, Employment, and Training (BMET).
Established | 1965 | Total area | 6.48 acres |
Academic building | 01 | Science lab | 01 |
Workshop | 15 | Conference room | 01 |
Computer Lab | 04 | Job placement cell | 01 |
First aid room | 01 | Play Ground | 01 |
Hostel building | 01 | Mosque | 01 |
Residence building | 07 | Instructional teacher | 87 |
Number of Trades | 14 | Office Stuff | 48 |
Classroom | 18 | Total Manpower | 135 |
Other courses (House Keeping, Pre-departure, etc.) – as per demand.
02 Months Short course – Admission going on for all time
03 Months Short course – December and June
02 years SSC Vocational – December
30 Days and Pre-departure course – Weekly and as per demand (Always).
Focus and range of Program :
Need basis training program form to produce skill male/female manpower is the primary focus of BGTTC activities. Training programs are designed to Serve quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) for producing skill by changing the attitude, creating leadership quality, improving the quality of work in a socially and culturally diverse workplace of the trainees.
Institutional Linkage :
BGTTCC has a linkage with different types Manufacturing Company related with Training programs in this institute. There is a placement cell of 05 members and the cell is responsible for increasing industry linkage, Job placement, arranging guest speaker, etc.
Digital BGTTC :
BGTTC starting the digitalization of its services. Registration of the participants, management of the courses, record keeping and evaluation through online is underway in this regards. Registration on the database has been made mandatory for 02 years duration S.S.C. (Vocational) and different short courses. BGTTC has installed broadband internet including Wi-Fi technology in the campus for easy access to the internet.
Library :
There is a richest library is also available for the trainees, Faculty members and guest teacher. It has sufficient collection of books and journals on emerging from home and abroad.
Computer Lab :
We have 03 computers Lab which are fully equipped with latest PCs with broadband internet connection. Participants and Faculty members are eligible for using the computer Lab.
Medical Facilities :
The centre has medical section and maintains a clinic with limited medical facilities. Participants are given free medical treatment, prescription and limited items of medicine.
Assessment and Certification :
Recognitions and Approvals :
BGTTC Admission January to March-2025, Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center (BGTTC)