EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

Written Test EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4 by Job Edu BD

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EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

Matiar Sir

Engr. Md. Matiar Rahman
B.Sc in (EEE) (ADUST)
Senior Instructor
In-Charge (EIM)
Bangladesh-German Technical Training Center
Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216

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Created by Job Edu BD

EIM for Construction Level-2, Vol-4

এই পরীক্ষাটি শুধুমাত্র Level পরীক্ষায় নিজেকে ভালো নম্বরে উর্ত্তীন করার চেষ্টা মাত্র। এখানে ভালো নম্বর পাওয়ার দ্বারা আপনার আত্নবিশ্বাস উন্নয়নে কাজ করবে। পরীক্ষা খারাপ হলে প্রশ্নোত্তর গুলো পূনরায় পড়ে আবার চেষ্টা করার অনুরোধ রইল।

1 / 30

1. সেল সিরিজে সংযোগ করলে কি হয় ?

2 / 30

2. একটি সাব সার্কিটে লাইট, ফ্যান ও সকেটের কতটি পয়েন্ট থাকতে পারে?

3 / 30

3. এস.ডি.বি কেন ব্যবহার করা হয় ?

4 / 30

4. কোনটি পাওয়ার টুলস্?

5 / 30

5. এম.ডি.বি কেন ব্যবহার করা হয় ?

6 / 30

6. ওয়্যারিং শেষে কি কি পরীক্ষা করতে হয় ?

7 / 30

7. পোলারিটি টেস্ট করা হয় কেন ?

8 / 30

8. সেল প্যারালালে সংযোগ করলে কি হয় ?

9 / 30

9. এম.সি.সি.বি ও এম.সি.বি মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি কি ?

10 / 30

10. ইনসুলেশান টেস্ট করা হয় কেন ?

11 / 30

11. একটি লাইটিং সার্কিটের জন্য অনুমোদিত লোড কত ওয়াটের পাওয়ার বিবেচনা করা হয়?

12 / 30

12. এভোমিটার কি পরিমাপের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয়?

13 / 30

13. কোনটি ওয়্যারিং টুলস নয়?

14 / 30

14. ৫ টি হ্যান্ড টুলসের নাম লিখ ?

15 / 30

15. কোনটি PPE এর বৈশিষ্ট্য নয়?

16 / 30

16. পি ভি সি এর পূর্ণ নাম কি ?

17 / 30

17. ইলেকট্রিক বিলের জন্য কোন মিটার ব্যবহার করা হয়?

18 / 30

18. কোনটি অপরিবাহী (Insulator)?

19 / 30

19.  ইলেট্রিক্যাল সর্ট সার্কিটে উৎপন্ন আগুন নিয়ন্ত্রনে কোন পদার্থ ব্যবহার করা উচিৎ নয়?

20 / 30

20. কোনটি উত্তম পরিবাহী (Good Conductor)?

21 / 30

21. ফ্যানের সঙ্গে রেগুলেটর কিভাবে সংযোগ করা হয়?

22 / 30

22. তার ও ক্যাবলের মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি কি ?

23 / 30

23. বাসা বাড়ীতে বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহের জন্য প্রথমে কোনটিতে সংযোগ দেয়া হয় ?

24 / 30

24. একটি সেলের ভোল্টেজ কত ?

25 / 30

25. ৫ টি ফিটিংস এর নাম লিখ ?

26 / 30

26. ৫টি মালামালের নাম লিখ ?

27 / 30

27. ক্যাপাসিটর প্যারালালে সংযোগ করলে কি হয় ?

28 / 30

28. ইলেকট্রিক্যাল ওয়্যারিং করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত PPE নয় কোনটি?

29 / 30

29. পাওয়ার টুলসের নাম লিখ ?

30 / 30

30. তারের ইন্সুলেশন অপসারণের জন্য কি টুলস ব্যবহার করা হয়?


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Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design, and application of equipment, devices, and systems which use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. It emerged as an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after the commercialization of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electrical power generation, distribution, and use.

Electrical engineering is now divided into a wide range of different fields, including computer engineering, systems engineering, power engineering, telecommunications, radio-frequency engineering, signal processing, instrumentation, photovoltaic cells, electronics, and optics and photonics. Many of these disciplines overlap with other engineering branches, spanning a huge number of specializations including hardware engineering, power electronics, electromagnetics and waves, microwave engineering, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, renewable energies, mechatronics/control, and electrical materials science.

Electrical engineers typically hold a degree in electrical engineering or electronic engineering. Practicing engineers may have professional certification and be members of a professional body or an international standards organization. These include the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET, formerly the IEE).

Electrical engineers work in a very wide range of industries and the skills required are likewise variable. These range from circuit theory to the management skills of a project manager. The tools and equipment that an individual engineer may need are similarly variable, ranging from a simple voltmeter to sophisticated design and manufacturing software.


Electricity has been a subject of scientific interest since at least the early 17th century. William Gilbert was a prominent early electrical scientist, and was the first to draw a clear distinction between magnetism and static electricity. He is credited with establishing the term “electricity”. He also designed the versorium: a device that detects the presence of statically charged objects. In 1762 Swedish professor Johan Wilcke invented a device later named electrophorus that produced a static electric charge. By 1800 Alessandro Volta had developed the voltaic pile, a forerunner of the electric battery.

19th century

The discoveries of Michael Faraday formed the foundation of electric motor technology.

In the 19th century, research into the subject started to intensify. Notable developments in this century include the work of Hans Christian Ørsted, who discovered in 1820 that an electric current produces a magnetic field that will deflect a compass needle; of William Sturgeon, who in 1825 invented the electromagnet; of Joseph Henry and Edward Davy, who invented the electrical relay in 1835; of Georg Ohm, who in 1827 quantified the relationship between the electric current and potential difference in a conductor; of Michael Faraday, the discoverer of electromagnetic induction in 1831; and of James Clerk Maxwell, who in 1873 published a unified theory of electricity and magnetism in his treatise Electricity and Magnetism.

In 1782, Georges-Louis Le Sage developed and presented in Berlin probably the world’s first form of electric telegraphy, using 24 different wires, one for each letter of the alphabet. This telegraph connected two rooms. It was an electrostatic telegraph that moved gold leaf through electrical conduction.

In 1795, Francisco Salva Campillo proposed an electrostatic telegraph system. Between 1803 and 1804, he worked on electrical telegraphy, and in 1804, he presented his report at the Royal Academy of Natural Sciences and Arts of Barcelona. Salva’s electrolyte telegraph system was very innovative though it was greatly influenced by and based upon two discoveries made in Europe in 1800—Alessandro Volta’s electric battery for generating an electric current and William Nicholson and Anthony Carlyle’s electrolysis of water. Electrical telegraphy may be considered the first example of electrical engineering. Electrical engineering became a profession in the later 19th century. Practitioners had created a global electric telegraph network, and the first professional electrical engineering institutions were founded in the UK and the US to support the new discipline. Francis Ronalds created an electric telegraph system in 1816 and documented his vision of how the world could be transformed by electricity. Over 50 years later, he joined the new Society of Telegraph Engineers (soon to be renamed the Institution of Electrical Engineers) where he was regarded by other members as the first of their cohort. By the end of the 19th century, the world had been forever changed by the rapid communication made possible by the engineering development of land-lines, submarine cables, and, from about 1890, wireless telegraphy.

Practical applications and advances in such fields created an increasing need for standardized units of measure. They led to the international standardization of the units volt, ampere, coulomb, ohm, farad, and henry. This was achieved at an international conference in Chicago in 1893. The publication of these standards formed the basis of future advances in standardization in various industries, and in many countries, the definitions were immediately recognized in relevant legislation.

During these years, the study of electricity was largely considered to be a subfield of physics since early electrical technology was considered electromechanical in nature. The Technische Universität Darmstadt founded the world’s first department of electrical engineering in 1882 and introduced the first-degree course in electrical engineering in 1883. The first electrical engineering degree program in the United States was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the physics department under Professor Charles Cross, though it was Cornell University to produce the world’s first electrical engineering graduates in 1885. The first course in electrical engineering was taught in 1883 in Cornell’s Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanic Arts.

In about 1885, Cornell President Andrew Dickson White established the first Department of Electrical Engineering in the United States.[15] In the same year, University College London founded the first chair of electrical engineering in Great Britain. Professor Mendell P. Weinbach at University of Missouri established the electrical engineering department in 1886. Afterwards, universities and institutes of technology gradually started to offer electrical engineering programs to their students all over the world.

During these decades the use of electrical engineering increased dramatically. In 1882, Thomas Edison switched on the world’s first large-scale electric power network that provided 110 volts—direct current (DC)—to 59 customers on Manhattan Island in New York City. In 1884, Sir Charles Parsons invented the steam turbine allowing for more efficient electric power generation. Alternating current, with its ability to transmit power more efficiently over long distances via the use of transformers, developed rapidly in the 1880s and 1890s with transformer designs by Károly Zipernowsky, Ottó Bláthy and Miksa Déri (later called ZBD transformers), Lucien Gaulard, John Dixon Gibbs and William Stanley, Jr. Practical AC motor designs including induction motors were independently invented by Galileo Ferraris and Nikola Tesla and further developed into a practical three-phase form by Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky and Charles Eugene Lancelot Brown. Charles Steinmetz and Oliver Heaviside contributed to the theoretical basis of alternating current engineering. The spread in the use of AC set off in the United States what has been called the war of the currents between a George Westinghouse backed AC system and a Thomas Edison backed DC power system, with AC being adopted as the overall standard.

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NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

NSQF / NTVQF EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, NSQF NTVQF, EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4, Job Edu BD, NSDA BTEB, NSDA / BTEB Suggestion Vol-1 NSQF NTVQF NSDA BTEB EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4EIM For Construction Level-2 Suggestion V-4

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