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Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

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Stay with us to get the detailed information of all the recruitment circulars of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council under the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council recruitment circular-2024 has been published. The details of the ongoing circular of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council are mentioned below-

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Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council


The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) under the Ministry of Agriculture is at the apex of the national agricultural research system (NARS). It has the responsibility to strengthen the national agricultural research capability through planning and integration of resources. It is the umbrella under which the entire Bangladesh agricultural research effort is coordinated. This involved cooperative activities in several ministries of government: Agriculture, Forest and Environment, Fisheries and Livestock, Rural Development, Education, Industries, Commerce, Science and Technology, etc.

Policies to guide BARC are made by a governing body which is headed by the Hon'ble Minister for Agricultural as its Chairman, with the Hon'ble Minister for Fisheries and Livestock and Hon'ble Minister for Environment and Forest as the co-chairman including Hon'ble Member of the Parliament, top officials of government ministries and research institutes, outstanding scientists, farmers representative as members. The implementation of the policies adopted by the governing body is the responsibility of the Executive Chairman of BARC and the Member-Directors and Directors of specific disciplines.

BARC is entrusted with the task of preparing the vision document and the national agricultural research plan. These are the guide for planning and conducting research activities according to the national priorities. Based on these the research institutes draws their master plan. BARC has the responsibility to coordinate research and foster inter-institute collaboration, monitor and review the research program of NARS institutes, assist institutes to strengthen research capacities, establish system-wide operational policies and standard management procedures and assure that each institute is optimally governed.

Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council Main Job Circular
DC Office Chandpur
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DC Office Chandpur

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DC Office Chandpur

Introduction of Chandpur History applauded Chandpur, which appears from the tritidal congregation of the Padma, the Meghna and Dakatia, being, closely lapped in the nursing nature, seems to be a princess of glamour-land. Her spell-bounding beauty brings down the moon of the sky into the water of reflecting tides. Chandpur is the name of densely green land that is developed with the extract of the flow of the Meghna, the Dakatia and the Dhonagoda. It is about 1704. 06 sq. km in area. Chandpur main town of the moon. This Chand is not the insomnious, night-keeping mere light source, this chand is a beaming name brightened by the radiating time.

Naming of Chandpur Once upon a time, it is believed that folk-tale famous Chand Sawdagor with his seven commercial boats sailed here and his name contributes to the name of this land. Someone thinks that the name is derived from Chand Fakir of Purindapur (Koralia at present) mahalla of the town. During the ruling of BaroBhuiyan, this land was under the reign of Chand Roy, who was Zaminder of Bikrampur . He established a centre of governance here. This truth helped historian J. M. Sengupta to tell that Chandpur was named in the name of Chand Roy.

Geological structure of Chandpur Geological formation of Chandpur was taken place in Pliostocin and Holocin Era. Geographical history of Chandpur was found in the East-Indian country-map of Perguitar. In the map, south to Bangladesh, Sagornooper, to the north Pragjyotish and the Eastern plain beside hills was known as ‘Kiratas.’ The then Red River (Brammhaputra of today) borne alluvial soil contributed the formation of ‘Kiratas’ and Comilla was under it. That is Chandpur was under Kiratas.’ In the map of Tomas Water, a land named ‘Srikhetra’ was shown to the south of the combined course of both the Titas and Gomati (probably). It is guessed that Chandpur and the west part of Noakhali were under ‘Srikhetra.’

DC Office Chandpur Main Job Circular
DC Office Chandpur
DC Office Chandpur
DC Office Chandpur
DC Office Chandpur Payment system

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Payment System: Only using TeleTalk SIM
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Go to message option and write– DCCHANDPUR<space> User ID and Send to 16222
Example: DCCHANDPUR ASTURSX send to 16222

Reply: Applicants Name, Amount will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is12345678, To pay fee Type DCCHANDPUR<space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222.

2 Step: Go to message option and write– DCCHANDPUR<space> Yes <space> PIN and Send to 16222
Example: DCCHANDPUR Yes 12345678 send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name. Payment Completed Successfully for DCCHANDPUR Application for (Post Name) User ID is (AHFKDHD) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

Dhaka South City Corporation
Dhaka South City Corporation

Dhaka South City Corporation

Job Edu BD is supporting the online promotion of Dhaka South City Corporation Recruitment Notification

Stay with us to get the detailed information of all the recruitment circulars of Dhaka South City Corporation under the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Dhaka South City Corporation recruitment circular-2024 has been published. The details of the ongoing circular of Dhaka South City Corporation are mentioned below-

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Dhaka South City Corporation

History of Dhaka City Authority Dhaka is an ancient and traditional port city of about seven hundred years located on the banks of Buriganga river. When the capital was established in Dhaka in 1608 during the reign of Mughal Emperor Jahangir, the status and importance of this city increased worldwide. Subedar Islam Khan of Bengal focused on the development of Dhaka. Important buildings and infrastructures were built. The Mughal Subedars did some remarkable work for the welfare of the townspeople. At that time they were about 4 km from Chawkbazar to Sutrapur Loharpool. Mr. He also built a long brick road. Even Dhaka was in the 12th position in the world in terms of maleness. After the East India Company took over the rule of Bengal in 1757, the development of Dhaka city was disrupted. The company is busy looting the townspeople without any facilities. In this way extreme disorganization passed some time.

During the Mughal period, the administrative functions of the city such as peacekeeping, hygiene and moral standards were the responsibility of the government. In 1772, a European magistrate was appointed as the administrative officer of the city as a result of the reorganization of the East India Company. In 1813, at the request of Magistrate James Oldham, the government formed the Committee for the Improvement of the City of Dhaka and Other Places Immediately Adjacent to the City. In 1823, the Committee of Improvement was formed for the development of the city. This committee does significant development work. The committee was dissolved in November 1829. Instead, the government formed a committee called 'Dhaka Committee' in 1840. It is not known what the Dhaka Committee did from 1840 to 1864 AD.

With the acquisition of Pakistan on August 14, 1947, Dhaka city was made the then capital of Pakistan. The importance of Dhaka increased after receiving the status of the provincial capital. Therefore, the need to reorganize the city becomes imperative. At the end of 1947, the government announced the abolition of the Dhaka Municipality and there were no elections in the municipality until 1953. At that time only the people nominated by the government managed the work of Dhaka Municipality. In 1960, the government issued the Municipal Administration Ordinance. This ordinance mandates the nomination of a government official in place of the elected chairman. However, the rules of election for the post of Vice-Chairman remain in force from among the elected representatives. Dhaka Municipality was earlier divided into seven wards. During the Pakistan period in 1960, the government

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DC Office Chandpur
Dhaka South City Corporation Payment system

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Payment System: Only using TeleTalk SIM
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Go to message option and write– DSCC<space> User ID and Send to 16222
Example: DSCC ASTURSX send to 16222

Reply: Applicants Name, Amount will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is12345678, To pay fee Type DSCC<space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222.

2 Step: Go to message option and write– DSCC<space> Yes <space> PIN and Send to 16222
Example: DSCC Yes 12345678 send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name. Payment Completed Successfully for DSCC Application for (Post Name) User ID is (AHFKDHD) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

Bangladesh Water Development Board
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Bangladesh Water Development Board

Job Edu BD is supporting the online promotion of Bangladesh Water Development Board Recruitment Notification

Stay with us to get the detailed information of all the recruitment circulars of Bangladesh Water Development Board under the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Water Development Board recruitment circular-2024 has been published. The details of the ongoing circular of Bangladesh Water Development Board are mentioned below-

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Bangladesh Water Development Board

History of BWDB After recurrence devastating flood of 1954 and 1955Crug Missionwas formed in 1957 under United Nations (UN) to boost up food productivity by minimizing flood damage and water resources development & management in this region. As per mission’s recommendations,Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB)started its operation in 1959 as the water wing of the erstwhile ‘East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority’ in 1959. As the principal agency of the government for managing water resources of the country it was given the responsibility of accomplishing the tasks of executing flood control, drainage and irrigation projects to increase productivity in agriculture and fisheries. After the independence of Bangladesh, the authority was restructured in 1972 into two different organizations to deal with water and power separately. BWDB was created under the Bangladesh Water and Power Development Boards Order 1972 (P.O. No. 59 of 1972) as a fully autonomous organization. The reform program and structural adjustment process were undertaken by the GoB for transformation of BWDB is the enactment of the BWDB Act, 2000 that requires the BWDB's functions be guided by the National Water Policy (NWPo)-1999. Policy making and overseeing the overall management of BWDB is now vested on the Governing Council (GC) with thirteen Members headed by the Minister, Ministry of water Resources.

BWDB VISION: Improving sustainable development of water resources in Bangladesh through participatory water management, protection of people's lives and property through water related disaster management and improvement of socio-economic condition of the people by ensuring food security through development of irrigation system.

BWDB MISION: Flood control under strategic planning, development of drainage and irrigation systems, prevention of river erosion, salinity of land reclamation and management of food security, alleviation of poverty and management of water related disasters by addressing the adverse effects of climate change in line with integrated coastal management; Increasing public engagement through active participation in integrated water resource management.

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Bangladesh Water Development Board
Bangladesh Water Development Board
Bangladesh Water Development Board
বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড
বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড
বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড
Bangladesh Water Development Board Payment system

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আগ্রহী প্রার্থীদের অনলাইনের মাধ্যমেই পরীক্ষার ফি বাবদ অফেরতযোগ্য নীট ২০০/- (দুইশত) টাকা পেমেন্ট করতে হবে।

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job circular 2024, বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড, Bangladesh Water Development Board,, bwdb

job circular 2024, বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড, Bangladesh Water Development Board,, bwdb

job circular 2024, বাংলাদেশ পানি উন্নয়ন বোর্ড, Bangladesh Water Development Board,, bwdb

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
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Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism

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Stay with us to get the detailed information of all the recruitment circulars of Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism under the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism recruitment circular-2024 has been published. The details of the ongoing circular of Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism are mentioned below-

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Job Edu BD is supporting the online promotion of Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism Recruitment Notification

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism was a ministry under central government before independence. After independence of Bangladesh in 1971 matters relating to communication and tourism were vested with the Ministry of Commerce. In 1972, Civil Aviation Division was created and brought under the Ministry of Shipping, Inland Water Transport and Civil Aviation. However, an independent Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism was created in August 1975. This again became a Division under the Ministry of Communication in January 1976. A separate Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism was created again in December 1977. On 24th March 1982 the ministry was abolished and Civil Aviation and tourism Division became a new Division under the Ministry of Defense. In 1986, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism was re-established as a ministry and has been continuing as such since then.

The main aim and objective of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism is to enrich the country economically through the tourism sector based on the beauty and beauty of traditional Bengal and to modernize the airline and to raise the customer service system to international standards. To implement this objective, the ministry has set some specific objectives: a) through this ministry to highlight the nature, history, heritage, culture and culture of Bangladesh through the tourism industry; Making industry the most foreign exchange earning sector; d) Promoting Bangladesh's tourism attractions globally and establishing it as a 'Tourist Destination' in the world court; e) Branding the country of Bangladesh abroad through Biman Bangladesh Airlines; f) Sustaining competitive aviation business. To develop Biman as an efficient, dynamic and commercial organization; g) To ensure the participation of this Ministry in order to build a better and prosperous country, above all a peaceful world.

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism Main Job Circular
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism
বেসামরিক বিমান পরিবহন ও পর্যটন মন্ত্রণালয়
বেসামরিক বিমান পরিবহন ও পর্যটন মন্ত্রণালয়
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism Payment system

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Payment System: Only using TeleTalk SIM
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Go to message option and write– MOCAT<space> User ID and Send to 16222
Example: MOCAT ASTURSX send to 16222

Reply: Applicants Name, Amount will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is12345678, To pay fee Type MOCAT<space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222.

2 Step: Go to message option and write– MOCAT<space> Yes <space> PIN and Send to 16222
Example: MOCAT Yes 12345678 send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name. Payment Completed Successfully for MOCAT Application for (Post Name) User ID is (AHFKDHD) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

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job circular 2024, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism, বেসামরিক বিমান পরিবহন ও পর্যটন মন্ত্রণালয়, Job Edu Bd, Job Circular-2024,

job circular 2024, Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism, বেসামরিক বিমান পরিবহন ও পর্যটন মন্ত্রণালয়, Job Edu Bd, Job Circular-2024,

Mugda Medical College Dhaka
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Mugda Medical College Dhaka

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Job Edu BD is supporting the online promotion of Mugda Medical College Dhaka Recruitment Notification

Mugda Medical College Dhaka

Mugda Medical College, Mugda, is one of the government medical colleges located in Dhaka. It was inaugurated in July 2013 as a 500-bed general hospital. Health Minister in 2015 He declared the hospital a medical college. This medical college and hospital established with the sole desire of the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with the aim of ensuring health care for about 30-40 lakh people living in the eastern part of Dhaka city and a large number of people in the surrounding districts of Dhaka district and to prepare qualified modern doctors is currently progressing with reputation across the country. The academic program started auspiciously with the admission of 50 first-year MBBS students in 2016, which has increased to 75 students every year. Hon'ble Prime Minister has directed to develop Mugda Medical College and Hospital as a 'Centre of Excellence' i.e. a developed 'Medical Hub'. From this institution, the poor people of the country are receiving the highest and best health care at the government expense. Regular indoor, outdoor, emergency services, operations, specialized treatments, standardized tests, etc. are increasing. During the covid period, the hospital gained the reputation and trust of one of the most efficient service providers in the country. The treatment of dengue patients also has a good reputation intact. Mugda Medical College is the 30th Government Medical College in Bangladesh and the 4th Government Medical College in the capital. The students are ranked fourth in the country in terms of female preference. It is progressing day by day with good results in various professional MBBS examinations. For example: In the 2nd professional examination held under the Dhaka University in May 2019, it achieved the honor of occupying a total of 7 places including the 2nd place among the first 10 people in the combined merit list. 1st and 5th position in the 2nd professional examination held last May 2022. The necessary and comprehensive training for various postgraduate degrees in various departments is recognized by the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons and the University and is being conducted successfully. Students have their own social welfare organizations, cultural and sports organizations. Various events are organized on various national days. Regular CPD, CME for professional skills and improvement. Medical Education, Workshop, Seminar and Training are held. By continuing this continuous development of medical education and medical services, Mugda Medical College and Hospital will take its place as a significant institution in the world beyond the boundaries of the country.

Mugda Medical College Dhaka Main Job Circular
Mugda Medical College Dhaka
Mugda Medical College Dhaka
Mugda Medical College Dhaka
Mugda Medical College Dhaka
Mugda Medical College Dhaka Payment system

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Payment System: Only using TeleTalk SIM
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Go to message option and write– MUMC<space> User ID and Send to 16222
Example: MUMC ASTURSX send to 16222

Reply: Applicants Name, Amount will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is12345678, To pay fee Type MUMC<space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222.

2 Step: Go to message option and write– MUMC<space> Yes <space> PIN and Send to 16222
Example: MUMC Yes 12345678 send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name. Payment Completed Successfully for MUMC Application for (Post Name) User ID is (AHFKDHD) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

Rural Electricity Association​
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Rural Electricity Association​

Job Edu BD is supporting the online promotion of Rural Electricity Association Recruitment Notification

Stay with us to get the detailed information of all the recruitment circulars of Rural Electricity Association under the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Rural Electricity Association recruitment circular-2024 has been published. The details of the ongoing circular of Rural Electricity Association are mentioned below-

The Rural Electrification Board was established in 1977 and the organization started functioning in 1978. Currently it is being operated as a statutory body under the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources as per Act No. 57 of 2013 “Rural Electrification Board Act, 2013”. The organization is working with the aim of providing uninterrupted, affordable and reliable electricity to all rural areas through 80 Rural Electricity Societies. Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board and Rural Electrification Association have already been able to gain reputation at home and abroad through proper management, quality service, transparency, accountability and efficiency in rural electrification activities. About 80% of the rural areas of Bangladesh are successfully engaged in the supply of electricity. The number of rural electrification subscribers increased from 74 lakh in 2008 to 350 lakh at present (as of August 23) and the electrification rate increased from 28% to 100%. The country is now 100% electrified. BAPBIBO is working tirelessly to ensure sustainable, quality, cost-effective and reliable power supply in the geographical area of 80 rural electricity societies. About 80% of the rural areas of Bangladesh are successfully engaged in the supply of electricity.

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Rural Electricity Association Main Job Circular
Rural Electricity Association​
Rural Electricity Association​
পল্লী বিদ্যুৎ সমিতি-১
Rural Electricity Association​
Rural Electricity Association Payment system

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Payment System: Only using TeleTalk SIM
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Go to message option and write– PBSJAS1 <space> User ID and Send to 16222
Example: PBSJAS1 ASTURSX send to 16222

Reply: Applicants Name, Amount will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is12345678, To pay fee Type PBSJAS1 <space> Yes <space> PIN and send to 16222.

2 Step: Go to message option and write– PBSJAS1 <space> Yes <space> PIN and Send to 16222
Example: PBSJAS1 Yes 12345678 send to 16222

Reply: Congratulations Applicant’s Name. Payment Completed Successfully for PBSJAS1 Application for (Post Name) User ID is (AHFKDHD) and Password (xxxxxxxx)

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